Monday 6 December 2010

Some more thinspo. My stomach is so noisy!


Didn't want my mum worrying that I'd only eaten carrot sticks so I've just had a small bowl of clear chicken soup and two water crackers. I also had a small strip of bbq chicken (20cals) and a tiny glass of orange juice (40 cals). So today I'm on 408 calories. Not amazing but when my mum's home it's the best I can do.

I guess I'm going to try the [800, 600, 400, 200, fast] diet. No idea if this ever got named as something but I always found it the best for my metabolism.

That leaves 392 calories for dinner. I can either have more soup or I think there is a weight watchers meal in the freezer for about 200 cals.

Really need to get out and buy some lettuce and salady things.

Must drink more water today too.

I'm going to watch I Know Who Killed Me. I hate Lindsay Lohan but I've heard it's good for thinspo!

Beautiful Food.

 Soup is always the best bet for dinner. I'm not having any that are over 200cals.

 Olives make your hair shiny. Not too many though as they're fatty.
 30 calories in a whole carrot!
 Cherry tomatoes are my favourite snack food. 5 calories each!
 Water crackers are a genius invention. 15 calories each. The only acceptable carbohydrate.
 Cucumber is a no brainer- mainly water, 40 calories at most.
 The kick start for your metabolism. Only to be taken black (Mosshart is a vegan; do you think she got that body by having milk?!) There's about 2 calories in a cup.
 For when water gets boring or you need bubbles to fill you up. 2 calories.
 Scrambled egg whites for protein and they're very filling! 2 egg whites are about 120 calories at most.
 Main meal of the day. NO CALORIES.
 Desert/sweet treat. 78 calories in a cup of pineapple.
 48 calories in one pepper.
My favourite condiment for peppers, cucumbers and carrots. I buy extra light mini tubs. 38 calories in each tub and there's no chance of you over-eating.

Afternoon Thinspo; Edie Sedwick's waist and Alison Mosshart's cheekbones.

Day One

Today would have normally been a college day but due to bad ice I decided to stay off. Big lack of sleep last night meant i woke up at 11. Still haven't done my stomach crunches or leg lifts. I'm going to drink a litre of water and do them soon though.

So far I've eaten carrot (30) and cucumber (10) sticks with light philadelphia (38) and guacamole.(100)

I'll burn that off this afternoon with some exercise. I have cupa soups for dinner but they're still like 100 cals each. I think you can get slimming ones which are like 20 cals. Going to have a search for them in the supermarket when the streets gets a little safer.

I find when I have soup for meals there's such a lack of temptation from solid food because there isn't too much variety. Thinking of buying a thermos mug and having soup constantly for a few months with the odd solid snack. I won't be tempted at all because a) soup is healthier b) i'll save money in the college cafeteria and c) it's very filling.

Wish I could go out, I need some diet coke. Also wishing my mother would go out so I can smoke!

Sunday 5 December 2010

Tomorrow is my last ever Day One.

Forgot how much i love skinny mary-kate olsen.

I have cucumber, carrots, lettuce and shit loads of cupa soups for me to snack on. Loads of fizzy water. Frozen yoghurt and tinned pineapples/grapefruit for when I crave sweet things. I learned last time that although they fill you up well, bananas are the most calorific fruit possible.

I crave wearing skinny jeans with nothing hanging over the top. My thighs not touching. My thighs being the same size as my calves. My legs having the perfect definitions. My back, slender and light. My arms being gracefully sculpted. My cheekbones being razor sharp. My waist being the smallest it can possibly be. My hips bones jutting out. And my boobs being less than a handful.

Plan for tomorrow;
Wake up, do stomach crunches.
Make strong coffee. Drink that and half a litre of water. Throughout the day drink another litre of water/diet coke.
Take carrot and cucumber sticks to college.
If necessary I can have a pot of jelly/yogurt as a snack.
Lunch will be soup.
Dinner will also be soup. After telling my mother I've eaten loads in college and I'm still full from lunch.
Drink another litre of water/diet coke upon my return from college.
Get back on here for thinspo and more ways to guilt myself into not eating.
Cardio and stomach crunches before bed.

I think having a plan will give me individual tragets to aim for.
I'll thank myself later in life.